Pronunciation: zhuh-boo-ti-KAH-buh
Pronunciation: zhuh-boo-ti-KAH-buh
Jaboticaba trees are native to South America, most notably Brazil. They can take up to forty years to reach maturity and bear their first fruit. The trees are profusely branched, beginning close to the ground and slanting upward and outward so that the dense, rounded crown may attain an ultimate spread as wide as it is tall - usually attaining a height no more than 45ft. The fruit grows directly on the branches and trunk of the tree, and may produce a harvest only once or twice a year (October; January/February).
Jaboticaba Fruit has a thick, puplish-black skin and a tough, juicy white pulp containing anywhere from one to four seeds (that are swallowed whole). Traditionally, Jaboticaba fruit is eaten by biting a small hole in the husk and squeezing the pulp out and upward from the base, discarding the skin. Jaboticaba has an astringent flavor that’s sort of similar to muscadine grapes – slightly sweet and low-acid.
Jaboticaba has a long history of holistic medicinal uses - including as a treatment for digestive troubles and asthma. It is also well loved as an ornamental tree both in its natural form and more recently as a bonsai breed.
~ Lineia
** None of the information here is my intellectual property, photos or otherwise. Some of the text was copied and pasted from other web sources.
*** Special shout out to Heather Feher, who supplied much of the information I have on the Jaboticaba trees.
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